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Project ReportsThese reports are based on the final or interim reports of COFORD-funded research projects. Most of these documents can be downloaded as pdf's, free of charge.. [More]



Books Reference texts on specialised subjects. Titles in this section:A guide to forest tree species selection and silviculture in Ireland (2004)Brackloon - the story of an Irish oak wood (2006) ... [More] 

Annual Reports

Annual Reports COFORD ANNUAL REPORT - TUARASCÁIL BHLIANTÚIL COFORD click on links below to download pdfs  2009 - English 2009 - Irish 2008 - English 2008 - Irish2007 - English2007 - Irish 2006 - ... [More]


COFORD Connects

COFORD ConnectsThe COFORD Connects series of practical information notes started in 2003. These notes review various aspects of forestry, with an emphasis on practical recommendations.... [More]



 NewsletterThe COFORD Newsletter "Forestry and Wood Update" is compiled once a month and distributed via email to subscribers. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this free service please click here.... [More]  

COFORD articles

Leaf Image Articles prepared by COFORD and COFORD-funded researchers for publication in other media. Science Spin articles ... [More] 



Other relevant publications and links (note links include content external to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine):

Forestry 2030 papers

The Council also updated its Forestry 2030 policy papers on Irish Forestry and the EconomyIrish Forests and Climate ChangeIrish Forests and Renewable EnergyIrish Forests and Biodiversity, and Irish Forests and Recreation.
Forest Sector Development/COFORD Division of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine provides the secretariat for the Council. The COFORD research programme is the responsibility of the Research, Food and CODEX Co-ordination Division of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.

Submission by Ireland (February 2015) on actions at national level of land use, land-use change and forestry (pdf 1,423Kb) 

Draft Bioenergy Plan Issued by the The Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources


A recent SEAI Report outlines that greater use of biomass could contribute to achievement of the 2020 renewable heat target results and generate  positive macroeconomic impacts and net employment in Ireland.

In terms of biomass in renewable electricity, net employment benefits only arise if solid biomass is sourced in Ireland rather than imported. Potential exists for 1,500 net jobs to be created in 2020, mainly in the agriculture and forestry sectors, through the domestic supply of solid biomass. Conversely, when solid biomass is imported, combined with an assumed increase in electricity prices, there is an estimated net loss of jobs in the economy.