All Ireland Roundwood Production Forecast 2016-2035
The All Ireland Roundwood Production Forecast 2016-2035 was launched on 19th October, 2016 by Andrew Doyle, T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine with responsibility for forestry.
CLIMADAPT is a web-based decision support system (DSS) based on Ecological Site Classification (ESC) developed specifically for Irish Forestry. The objective is to provide a free DSS for forest managers and policy makers, using soil and climatic information that can be used to assess species suitability and yield for individual sites under current and future climate change scenarios. The DSS also includes a spatial analysis module for regional assessment of key environmental factors influencing species suitability and productivity.
Climate Change and Forests
Interactive forest planning model software has been developed to allow growers to input variables related to various scenarios or operations and project the anticipated outcomes of such activities.
Felling Decision Tool
The purpose of the felling decision tool is to provide owners with information on estimated timber revenues and crop parameters (volumes, top height, mean tree size) that will assist them in deciding when to clearfell their crops and show the implications of felling earlier or later than the financial rotation age or their selected rotation type final fell year.
Interactive forest planning model software has been developed to allow growers to input variables related to various scenarios or operations and project the anticipated outcomes of such activities.
The Windthrow Model was developed by Dr Áine Ní Dhubháin, School of Biology and Environmental Science, University College Dublin in conjunction with Jonathon Walshe (UCD), Michael Bulfin (Teagasc), Dr Michael Keane (Coillte) and Paul Mills (Compass Infomatics).
WoodEnergy aims to promote the use of wood biomass from sustainably managed forests as a renewable, climate friendly energy source.
Wood Price Quarterly
The wood price quarterly provides average roundwood prices received by private growers. The WPQ is coordinated by UCD Forestry and the Irish Timber Growers Association. Contributors are invited to provide private roundwood sales price information for the current quarter to UCD Forestry. All information will be treated as strictly confidential and will be retained within UCD Forestry Section and only compiled average prices will be released. Standard Timber Sales Data Forms for returning private roundwood sales data can be obtained from UCD. Please contact UCD Forestry section at Please note prices are intended for general guidance purposes only. These prices are averages derived from data received from a range of growers and potentially include all conifer species and harvest types. It should be noted that roundwood prices will fluctuate over time and from location to location and no liability will be accepted by the Irish Timber Growers Association or UCD Forestry Section for the supply of the price data. All growers are advised to get independent advice in relation to roundwood sales