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You are here: Home Tools & Services Climate change and forests
Climate change and forests
CLI-MIT : Climate change mitigation and adaptation in Irish forests
CLICK HERE to download information to accompany the latest LULUCF data submission for Ireland (pdf 713Kb) |
Carbon sequestration in forests and climate change adaptation
The aims and structure of the CLI-MIT programme
Frequently asked questions:
For further information contact the programme manager:
Kevin Black (PhD)
Forest Ecologist/Adjunct Research Fellow
117 East Courtyard
Dublin 18
Tel: +353 1 2814717 or +353 86 333 6475
The CLIMIT programme comprises the following projects:
- CARBiFOR II: Strategic research project supporting national reporting including ecosystem fluxes, litter dead wood, soils and biomass stock changes (see CARBIFOR website - click here)
- CARBWARE: The national forest carbon stock reporting project
- ESC-IRELAND: Ecological site classification, productivity and climate change risk assessment
- FORESTC: Strategic research supporting national reporting including ecosystem and soil fluxes, and soil stock changes
- WOODCARB: Carbon storage in harvested wood products